This rigorous mentorship program has been created for interested Pilates instructors seeking to expertly work with injured clients or special populations. Misha departs from industry norm by designing a sequential program that is based on the performance of the instructor rather than the difficulty of Pilates exercise taught to a would-be client. This signifies a return to educational principle and benefits those instructors intent on not only challenging, but also developing their clients.
Level 1 curriculum focuses on general client development, non-acute injuries, injury prevention and rehabilitation for shoulders, spine, and knees, and introduces instruction methods for classes of up to seven clients. To progress through this curriculum, a mentee is required to complete thirty observation hours at Central Core, submit thirty homework assignments based on observation hours, teach five hours jointly with Misha, take three private Pilates sessions from Misha, and take eight Reformer Pilates equipment sessions. Progress is evaluated at the mid- and endpoint of the curriculum in form of private sessions given to Misha. Final completion of this level is determined by Misha after a private session given to a client.
ninety days $1000
Level 2 curriculum focuses on special populations such as post-natal, lack of ROM from surgery, scoliosis, common auto-immune illnesses, and further develops instruction methods for classes of up to seven clients. To progress through this curriculum, a mentee is required to complete thirty observation hours at Central Core, submit thirty homework assignments based on observation hours, teach eight hours jointly with Misha, take four private Pilates sessions from Misha, and take ten Reformer Pilates equipment sessions. Progress is evaluated at the mid- and endpoint of the curriculum in form of private sessions given to Misha. Final completion of this level is determined by Misha after a private session given to two clients.
one hundred and twenty days $1500
Level 3 curriculum focuses on special populations such as pre-natal, pre- and post-surgery, acute level injuries, cancer rehabilitation, and teaches advanced instruction methods for classes of up to fourteen clients. To progress through this curriculum, a mentee is required to complete forty observation hours at Central Core, teach eight hours jointly with Misha, take five private Pilates sessions from Misha, and take twelve Reformer Pilates equipment session. Progress is evaluated at one third intervals of the curriculum in form of private sessions given to Misha. Final completion of this level is determined by Misha after a private session given to two clients.
one hundred and fifty days $1750